
Leena Manro
Actress & Comedian

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Leena Manro truly lived a fairy tale life; a Cinderella story of sorts... but in reverse. Once upon a time she was a sad (though monetarily very successful) lawyer living "the dream" in Alberta along with her handsome prince charming significant other.  

But she grew tired of her easy life, all the money, fine dining, fancy clothes and her handsome beau and thought: "why don't I just ^&%$! all, blow it all up and follow my dream!!!"  (Too much Oprah and Fricken Eckhert Tolle books). 

And so.. she quit her job, left the Prince and decided to become an actress!  

And how did that work out?  Well it was stupi...  I mean interesting?  You see, following your dream is actually really really hard (and super expensive if you live in Vancouver). Eventually Leena decided that barely scraping by, while being scared of her random craigslist roomates just wasn't working out for her. So she got a real job (again).  BUT.. this time she is actually doing work she loves with people she loves... so it worked out!

Leena is the Director of Media at All Purpose (www.allpurpose.io)  design agency where she writes, directs and produces engaging (and sometimes funny) training and promotional material.  

Leena believes that humour is a universal language that can reach many people to elevate, guide, teach and just plain entertain; and she is committed to doing just that.