Kiran Rai
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Kiran Rai (KRAI) is a multidisciplinary Punjabi artist based out of Canada. Well versed in fine arts, design, and architecture, Kiran fuses her love of creating with embracing the public accessibility of the arts. She strongly believes in design by the people, for the people.
Engaging with topics surrounding women and their cultural, digital, and diasporic identities, she reflects and celebrates the collisions of ethnographics, while also working to decolonize western frameworks and investigate key social issues. Her recent artistic endeavours include showcasing in galleries, live painting, public murals, and NFT projects.
Always interested in experimenting with different styles and mediums, Kiran has completed her Masters in Architecture in which she lived in Tokyo part-time. She is also an avid world traveller, plant mom, and iced chai connoisseur. She is curious to see how design and art can intersect to provide meaningful connections in everyday life.